When should I call BusyBee Movers?
How long does BusyBee Movers need for an in-home estimate?
What are my responsibilities?
Are there any items that cannot be transported?
Should I pack myself?
Can I leave my clothes in their drawers?
Should anything be done to my appliances to prepare them for the move?
How long does it take to move?
Busy Bee movers operates on this general rule of thumb: with a two-person crew for moves less than 2000 square feet, it will take 30 minutes to load and 30 minutes to unload. With a three-person crew on moves 2000 square feet or more, it will likely take half 30 minutes to load and 30 minutes to unload for each room. This is not a completely accurate estimate, but enough for you to begin planning.
For example: 3 rooms typically takes a 2 man crew an average of 2 hours + 1 hour service charge = 3 hours
Am I protected against loss or damage while my goods are in transit?
Can my possessions be stored temporarily?
What should I do with gas in the lawnmower?
Should I use 2 men or 3 men?
The Best Indianapolis Moving Company
Busy Bee Movers is an Indianapolis Area moving company, offering local, national and storage solutions. Need the best moving services in the Indianapolis Area for your next move? Call Busy Bee today for outstanding moving service!